
God Is My Strength

They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. Psalm 126:5 KJV

Man, am I tired.  Mentally, physically, and emotionally.  Not because I just worked hard today in my labors, but because I just spent the last 4 hours trying to reason with people I am called to reach.  The unsaved who are Athiests, Agnostic, occult, and the people who are playing church, but do not think they are.  My heart aches because these people would rather hate the messenger than listen to the message.  I am not a preacher.  I try not to preach.  All I am is Saved because of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  See, I am not famous for my patience.  And I get impatient when I do not see results in the time span I think they should appear.

Time is in God‘s hands.  I do not know who is actually listening, and who is just being a jerk.  I don’t know who will be saved, or will not.  All I know is that I love these people who refuse to see what “Amazing Love” looks like.

Before I became a Christian, I was moved to seek God because a small group of Christians showed me love no matter what I did back.  I was rude, argumentative, and hurtful. I hated them and their Gospel.  But it was their endurance and the Love of God they showed me that finally broke me.  They were tireless, and they saw, in Joy, the results of their efforts.  They never gave up on me.  I pray, Dear God, in the Name of Jesus Christ that I learn to love like that, and persevere like that, so that even one may be saved.  There will I rejoice and praise.

Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary. Galatians 6:9 NASB

There are people who think they are saved simply because they go to church.  When they hear you speak the truth, as lovely as you can make it, by the power of Jesus Christ, some will reject you, and even with a great deal of hostility.  I am called names.  I have had my life threatened.  I do not tell you this to draw attention to me, but because it is GOd who wills me to love and to do His will.  Do I sometimes feel like I am wasting my time, and beating my head against a wall?  Yes, but God is my strength.  Jesus persevered even to death for my sake.  By my own strength, I do not have that will or endurance.  Because the Spirit of God lives in me, I will continue, and enduring for the sake of the Gospel.  I don’t know who will be reached, but I will when I get to Heaven.

Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful… Hebrews 10:23 NASB

The world is run by the unrighteous.  Satan is their lord.  It is disconcerting to the world when they see the hope we have because of Jesus Christ.  The only response the world can offer is the response of their lord, Satan.  They kill, steal and destroy all that is Godly.  When you belong to Jesus Christ, you will not be welcomed by the world.  But you are to be in this world to be a light of Hope in a very dark, hopeless and fallen place.  So, when the storm roars, when people curse you for having hope, when they try to steal it, and almost succeed, remember, our Hope is in the Lord our God, because of Jesus Christ.  His Spirit is in you.  Take time to listen and feel the strength of God fill you.  He promised you that if you endure in your faith, you will endure in Hope.  Nothing can take this away from you.  Not unless you chose to let it go.  I pray, Dear God, for a renewing of my faith and hope every waking hour and even in my dreams.  Teach me to endure as you fill me with your love.

For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God, you may receive what was promised. Hebrews 10:36

I am called to a ministry.  I also have a life.  I have to work to feed my family.  I have bills.  Stuff happens, and it isn’t always good stuff.  It is the will of God that I become a living testimony whatever it is I do.  I am to write this blog every day except the Sabbath.  I am to study the word and hide it in my heart.  I am to give out of my abundance and my need.  I am to be one beggar showing other beggars where I found food, water, shelter, and life.  Even if they insist that they have to pay, I have to show them it is free.  Even if I am feeding on the food of God, and they refuse to eat what is abundant and free.  I cannot do the will of God without the Strength of God.  That is given to me by the Spirit of God, who walks in me daily, teaching me and leading me to do God’s will.  His promise is that if I give it all to Him, I will endure, even if I don’t feel like it.  The second I want to throw in the towel, the Spirit of God shows up in me and loves me, and feeds me the Grace, Mercy, Hope and Love of God.  It is a renewal I have need of every day.  Yesterday’s manna will not feed me today.  He promises me reward in Heaven.  I may be poor on earth, but when I get there, I will be called the brother of Christ.  I live for thismoment.

Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and  the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, Hebrews 12:1

The angels watch us work.  The world watches us work. Our families and employers watch us work.  Does my confession of faith in Jesus Christ lead others to believe I am saved and belong to God?  Do I cave in just in sight of the finish line and never cross?  When things get tough, do I take a time out?  Jesus suffered greatly on our behalf, without a time out.  He drank full of the cup of God’s wrath so we will not have to die.  Do I weld my tongue to the will of God, or do I betray Him?  Do I act like I am unsaved, yet confess Jesus as my Lord?  Everyone is watching.  So, even when you sin, we can show others how Jesus Christ is Lord through our humbling ourselves before God in repentance.  Following Jesus is not about convenience.  There is nothing convenient about being a Christian.  Bur, seeing as there are so many people watching us, let us live a life that inspires others to follow Christ.

Dear God, I pray, in Jesus Holy Name, that you make me the very image of Christ, so I will not betray you or make the gospel a lie.  I am weak, and get tired.  Give me the love and endurance that kept Jesus nailed to the cross on our behalf.

I love you

David G. Perkins
