
When We Walk With The Lord


Jesus answered, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word. My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him. The one who doesn’t love Me will not keep My words. The word that you hear is not Mine but is from the Father who sent MeJohn 14:23-24

God Was Uninvited

I was brushing my teeth, getting ready for school.  It was the early ’60’s.  I could hear a young John Kennedy talking about the idea that some people believe God is dead.  Kennedy went on to say that he does not hold that belief, and if he gets to be president, he will make sure that our religious liberties remain intact.

President Kennedy did make it to the Oval office.  He was killed before he could make too many significant changes in America.

Shortly after that, God was kicked out of schools, offices and public discourse.  The Bible is forbidden in public.  The Ten Commandments are no longer tolerated and are being removed from every public display.

Children in public schools have every occult and ungodly viewpoint forced down their throats, but telling anyone of the Saving Grace of Jesus Christ is a hate crime.

When God was uninvited in our nation, in our schools, in our homes, we removed an aspect of God from our nation that kept evil at bay.  We removed His protection and guidance.

We removed His guiding wisdom.  We removed an objective viewpoint that made it possible for us to dileneate between good and evil. We removed clear vision and hope.  We removed the baseline for understanding honesty and the ability to recognize truth.

We now live in what liberals celebrate as the “Post-Truth” society.  Truth and facts are no longer as relevant as are our feelings about things.  We forget that feelings are not facts, and raise feelings to be above facts, and use that as the determiner of our behavior and the law.

When we evict God and His word from our lives, we get the America we see today.

When God is Absent, Evil is King.

So what do we get when we tell God to leave us alone.  Because He is not a dictator, because He has granted us complete freedom to do as we will, He gives us exactly what we have asked for.  In spite of the fact that every nation on earth who has abandoned God has fallen, we choose to ignore history and the will and word of God.  In our stupidity, we call ourselves “enlightened”, and do not see how wretched and blind we have made ourselves.

When God is absent, the Spirit of God, who protects His children, is removed.  Evil fills the vacuum and reigns over all.  We forget what happened to Israel back in the day when she did the very same thing:

Isaiah 5:20King James Version (KJV)

20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

When we removed God from our hearts and souls, we opened ourselves for every delusion that can possibly exist.  We embrace the pleasure of evil, and forsake the discipline of truth.

There Is A Path To The Truth

When Jesus went to the cross, he became every sin that exists. He became everything God judges to be unholy, and it pleased God to pour His wrath on Jesus and judge him and put Him to death.  It pleased God to do this because He would rather do this to His own beloved Son than have YOU experience His wrath.  So, Jesus became all evil for all time.

Then He went to Hell and suffered.  When the cup of suffering was drained, God spoke the promise of eternal life and the reign of Heavn over Jesus and our Christ ascended from Hell, bringing with him all the dead who perished before the cross.  Death and hell no longer had authority, but Christ, the Son of the living God became all authority.

When you accept this free gift of the death and resurrection of Christ on your behalf, YOU become free of sin.  You become the Son of God, the Daughter of God, the sweet Child of God.  You will be free.  You will be free to know God in His infinite wisdom and love.  You will be able to see what the Word of God says and means.  You will no longer be mind blind and bereft of a living Soul.  You will be alive.  Really and truly and forever, alive.

His word will be food for you.  Your love for Him will be powerful and fulfilling.  You will not be obligated to any religion or law, but will be compelled out fo Love for God to be all you can to become just like Christ. Hisd Spirit will fill you and empower you to do all these things and more.

We need this to happen across America.  We need revival in our land.  We have kicked God out of our lives and our nation in the name of “Tolerance and Enlightenment”.

We are now stupid and blind.

Lets find time to invite God back.  He will never force Himself on anyone.  But he will respond to a broken and contrite heart.  He will pitch His tent with you and dwell with you.  His spirit will encompass you and protect you.

You will be His beloved Child.  No nation ever became Christian, only the people who inhabit it.  It starts one soul at a time.

Will you invite God back into your home?

 So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, “If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.”  John 8:31-32

Let’s Be About It!

David G. Perkins
