Faith, Observations

The Joy of Thy Salvation

I dedicate this blog to my Brother Jim, whose quiet influence has led me to a more profound revelation of how powerful a simple faith can be. Thank you, brother, for your steadfast faith.

I moved from Pueblo to Littleton a few years ago for a job.  Although the job paid more per hour, the cost-of-living increase meant I lost 14% of my usable income (You cannot use what the governments in all their greed take from you). However, since I was paid by the hour and put in many hours, I did well. 

My work circumstances changed, and I was moved from hourly to salary. This is a company’s clever way of making you believe you have been promoted while keeping from having to pay you what you were making. I lost my overtime earnings.  The “raise” I got put me in a higher tax bracket and was not enough to offset my other losses.  I lost even more usable income.

Things got tight.  I managed, even if managing meant living on a razor’s edge and minding every penny.  I managed.  It meant cutting out things that we often take for granted.  Those lovely weekend excursions into all the beauty of Colorado became fond memories.

The recent changes in our economy and the disastrous losses brought on by stupid decisions on managing covid meant an even more significant loss of usable income. Life became a matter of paying bills or buying groceries. I began a very aggressive campaign to reduce my expenditures. 

I discontinued all subscriptions; I canceled cable TV. I drastically reduced what I bought at the grocery store.  Fortunately, my 4Runner is broken down, so I am not gallivanting about on weekends and spending money and buying gas (Which is even less affordable).

Before coming down with covid, I wanted to visit family in Missouri.  The only way I could afford to get my 4Runner running was to take out a “payday loan” so I could spend the $2000 to get the repairs needed to travel that far.

I swallowed all common sense and pride and got the loan.  I just added to my financial burdens a condition that broke my already strained budget.  But I needed to go see my family. 

On my way home, I discovered the “repair” shop had damaged my braking system.  The entire hydraulic system failed, and I could not use my brakes.  This happened roughly 75 miles outside of Denver, on I70 West.

I got home using clever tricks with my transmission as a braking device (I do NOT recommend doing this).

The resulting damage to my 4Runner is such that the cost of repairing it now exceeds the value of three 2004 4Runners.  I simply cannot afford to have it repaired.

In the meantime, the economy continues to tank, and people flooding into Littleton from California means the cost of living has climbed even higher, proving that greed outweighs common sense every day. 

Pre-California residents have discovered their incomes no longer have the impact they once had.  Within one year, greed and selfishness drove the cost of living even higher.  An apartment of 900 square feet, already being overpriced at $1600 a month, is now $2200 a month. You get the picture.  

What this means is, now, all I do is pay bills.  I am lucky to buy the basics at the grocery store, whose financial troubles are reflected in the cost of goods and services. 

I have not bought groceries in 9 weeks.  I am living off my stash of emergency rations, and eating one meal a day, sometimes not even that. 

When I had covid last July, one of the many unexpected surprises I encountered was that I didn’t want food at all.  I went for two weeks without eating.  I did this because any time I ate anything, I couldn’t keep it down, and the desire for food completely vanished after the first couple of days.

I discovered fasting. 

I will not lie and say I fasted for godly or even spiritual reasons.  I simply began thinking food was my enemy.  So, I fasted.   The results I discovered included a loss of weight, better sleep, more energy, a clearer mind, and a significantly improved prayer life and Bible Study time.

All of this was a happy accident.  A byproduct of being so sick, the idea of getting out of bed seemed like an Olympian effort.  Gatorade became my best friend.

The good news is that having gotten good at fasting through my bout with covid, I am mentally equipped to continue this practice by eating as little as possible. 

The other good news is my belt has already come in by 3 notches in the last 9 weeks.  I do not feel threatened by my loss of groceries either.  My clarity of mind is improving, even if my budget is not.

Please understand this: I am not telling you this to complain, nor am I telling you this to elicit an emotional response from you or to garner sympathy or pity.  I am not alone in these circumstances.  I know several people near me who are going through this very thing.  And this is only the beginning.

All of what I have shared with you is to set the stage for making the point I need to make.

I have gone so long without buying groceries and have consumed most of my emergency food that I have had to satisfy myself with eating even less than I was eating.  I didn’t mind, even if it was not comfortable.  In view of world history, we Americans do not know how well we have things.  Doing without them has made me more sensitive to those who have nothing at all. 

I needed this lesson.

I CAN manage with less, even if I don’t want to.  It is not my preferred choice, but circumstances being what they are, I discovered I really have 10% more in me than I believed I did.

The richest blessing from all this is that it has driven me closer to the Lord.  I pray more.  My prayers are more impactful.  My prayers have become less about me than about others.  My desire to help others has increased.  I have become less of myself and more of the Spirit from God who sustains me. 

I have greater joy and less fear. 

But here is an unexpected lesson I learned a few days ago. 

The office had a special event.  That event meant hiring a caterer to bring in food to feed everyone who came to the event. 

I had read Simon Sinek’s book, “Leaders Eat Last,” and was inspired enough by it that I took ownership of those principles in that book.  I made sure all my guests and all the hourly employees had had their fill of food before I would allow myself to think about feeding myself.

By the time everyone had eaten, though, the meeting started, and it was too late for me to get a plate of food.  Having become used to doing without, I honestly didn’t mind and even forgot about it as the meeting went on.

After the meeting, I was part of the clean-up crew.  There were so many pans of leftovers that those of us on the clean-up crew could each take a pan home with us. 

I was excited because this was the most food I had had in my home in weeks.

Having had survival training, I knew I needed to not gorge on food and to take on the food in increments. 

I got home, and while the food was reheating in the oven, I took my shower, got the bed ready for the night (By this time it was very late), and put on my pajamas.

The aroma of the food filled my apartment.

The sensation of eating actual food was so rich and powerful that I got tears in my eyes.

This is when I realized I forgot to stop and thank our Lord for what He provided.

I stopped to pray.  I was so overwhelmed with gratitude to have something to eat that I cried even more.  These were tears of joy.  There was no self-pity involved at all.  I experienced a level of gratitude I had never experienced before.  It was sweet; it was full; it was transcendent.

All I could do was praise God, through Jesus Christ, that I had something to eat.

I had gotten so used to not eating that I forgot how sweet and joyful it is to have a meal of good food.

I had become inured to my circumstances.  I had grown used to not having.  The pain of not eating had passed me by so long ago that I had forgotten that having regular meals was a thing.

So, that first bite of aromatic deliciousness brought sweet tears to my eyes, and all I could do was praise God for being my provision.

Would you like to know what else I learned from all this?

The world has removed God from all arenas of life. Sometimes, when we reject God enough, he gives us what we think we want.  Here, the Earth has rejected God, so He has stepped back and is letting us have what we want.

The result is that we have become numb to sin in our lives.  We have become so used to the depravity brought on by sinfulness that we accept it as normal.  We vaguely remember what the presence of the Spirit of God meant to us, but having stepped back, we are growing colder in our hearts; we forget how sweet fellowship with Him is; we have lost our passion for His Word.  We are making do in a world of loss we brought ourselves.

When I was thanking God for good food, He reminded me of what it was like when I abandoned Him and how sweet the joy was when He brought me back to His loving arms.

His Word became an essential part of my life.  Worship returned to my soul.  I cannot imagine returning to being the monster I was because of the many wonderful ways he has changed my heart and life.

I now know that “If anyone is in Christ Jesus, he is a new creation, LOOK, Old things have passed away! All things have become new.”  II Corinthians 5:17.

God reminded me that this is where the world is.  Earthlings have forgotten even the memory of God.  We have become numb to the idea that sin exists and wallow in it because we prefer that to His way. 

We have gotten used to privation brought on by willful indifference to Him.  In our drive to fast of the things of God, we have become used to the way things are now.

We have received what we have asked for.  We have brought on our own poverty, our own lawlessness, our own perversions, and our own deaths because we would rather die in our sin, the sin we refuse to even admit, than surrender to the ways of a righteous God, who sacrificed Jesus in our place so we can live. 

We would rather wallow in our own filth than be subjected to the will of God. 

He has given us what we have asked for.

In God’s economy, there is never a lack of His love or guidance or presence or gifts or joy or grace or mercy. 

We are experiencing this present state of affairs because we have told God to go away, that we don’t need Him, and sin is not a condition; it’s just lousy psychology, and we all need is to look inward, not to Him, for relief from being a fallen and sinful race.

We have elevated ourselves to take the place of GOd. ANd this is the very distraction Satan has waited for.

This condition has blinded us to the fact that He has stepped back to let us have our way.  

We have forgotten that the enemy cannot stand in the presence of praise.  We have forgotten that prayer is our most potent weapon. Surrendering to God through Jesus Christ is victory over evil and sin.

The only reason evil has gotten as far as it has is because we have grown accustomed to a placebo religion that mimics faith but is the very road to hell.

We have forgotten Him and His ways.

Just as sweet as it was when I ate a real meal the other day, imagine how sweet it will be when God’s children abandon their sin and return to the truth of God’s word and genuine faith in Jesus Christ, our Lord, and Savior. 

Imagine the tears of joy when we again feel His Holy Spirit, the joy of salvation, and the sweet sustenance of His word. 

We are a slave race, whether serving Satan or Jesus.  There is no in-between.  Liberty is an illusion that Satan uses to foster rebellion against our true Lord, Jesus Christ.

We can join King David in confessing the sin of adultery against God.

Psa 51:10-17

Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.

Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me.

Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit.

Then will I teach transgressors thy ways; and sinners shall be converted unto thee.

Deliver me from bloodguiltiness, O God, thou God of my salvation: and my tongue shall sing aloud of thy righteousness.

O Lord, open thou my lips; and my mouth shall shew forth thy praise.

For thou desirest not sacrifice; else would I give it: thou delightest not in burnt offering.

The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise.

Today is when you need to repent, and then you will find a sweet and savory meal of His grace, mercy, and love.

“Let’s Be About It”

I love you in Jesus’s name

David G. Perkins


He Lifts Me Up

He Lifts Me Up

Isaiah 41:10 – Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.

What This Isn’t About

So, this is not about how my heart keeps trying to give out, or about the constant physical pain I am always in, pain that robs me of sleep, relentless pain that will not go away.  This is not how losing sleep all the time is negatively affecting everything I do.  This is not about my lungs no longer functioning the way they used to. It’s not about how I have to gasp for air just from climbing a ladder or going up a flight of stairs.

All of these things are true.  But that is not what this is about.

 A Long Week

Sleep had vanished again.  I looked at the clock and saw it was only 1 AM.  I had had maybe 2 hours of sleep.  This was the second week in a row that this has been happening.  By Friday, my body was done.  My heart couldn’t keep its rhythm, my lungs were not giving me enough air to function.   I was overtired from losing sleep and my body was telling me in its own way that I need to stop and rest.   I went home.  I took a nap…ok, I took three short naps. 

In His Presence

During my last nap, I had a wonderful dream.  I was standing in the healing light of the Lord.  I woke up feeling more alive than I have felt in weeks.  My heart was calm and keeping its rhythm.  My mind was clear.  I was calm for the first time in weeks. 

I am still in a lot of pain, but isn’t it in our trials that the joy of the Lord is revealed?  Wasn’t it in the fiery furnace where one “like the Son of God” (Daniel 3:24-25) was walking around in the furnace while Shadrach, Meshack and Abednego were singing and dancing?

If I have placed my trust in Him, He does not remove me from the fire of my trials.  Instead, He joins me in my trials and keeps the flames from consuming me.

Whosoever Will

When we let him join us in our wilderness, He makes the most desolate landscape a Holy garden.  It is when we are in the firey furnace of our trials we discover who Jesus really is. 

He is my Savior because I surely do believe He is the Only Begotten Son of God, who died of all my sin, and proved His claim by rising from the dead on the third day.  (John 3:16)

He is my Shepherd who leads me beside the still waters.  (Psalm 23)

And He is my Lord who covers me in His grace when I am in turmoil. (II Corinthians 12:9)

He lifts me up when I haven’t got the strength to call on Him.  (Isaiah 40:31)

I know that while I am in this world, there will be pain, and heartache, and there will be suffering.  

When I called on Him, He was there.  His presence gave me joy.

This is what I know and attest to be true:

“For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”  (Romans 10:13 – KJV).

I love you in the name of Jesus Christ, Our Lord.

Let’s be about it.

David G. Perkins


Worldly Irrelevance

24 Then Jesus told his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. 25 For whoever would save his life[a] will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. 26 For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul? Matt. 16:24-26 ESV

I just noticed something

When you start praying in earnest to follow Jesus, to deny yourself and follow him, even if no one else knows about it, you begin to see things change.

The world you inhabited becomes more distant as you approach Him. People who you work with will become more distant. Your current career will begin to reject you (And I think this is His way of telling you the prayer is being answered.)

Where you may have been a key player in your field, you are no longer considered relevant.

Part of this is a mystery, but, truthfully, part of it is because, as you grow more interested in following Him and knowing His word, you have become more aware how irrelevant your worldly work has become.

It is not just that your current career has lost interest in you, but compared to Him, you have lost interest in your current career; and it shows.

The thing to do in these circumstances is to recognize what is happening.

It is natural to feel rejection when this happens; and you are being rejected. Your current world no longer finds you relevant. But this means you are approaching Him and His will.

If you have prayed to surrender your will for his, there will be a change in YOUR priorities that others will sense. And they will withdraw from you, even if they do not know why.

Do not be discouraged.

You prayed to follow Him. You are getting what you asked for.

Don’t try to continue to find relevance in your old life. That is over, and is in the process of dying.

As you approach His answer to your prayer, you will find relevance in him. Don’t cling to the old familiar things. But be ready to be discipled into your new life.

Change is painful, even when it is good and necessary.

You are being rejected by your old world, but being invited into His world and will serve him for eternal gain.

The things of this world will pass away.

Did you pray for eternal reward and service?

Don’t be dismayed when the Holy Spirit orchestrates everything to accomplish that very thing.

You are not irrelevant to Jesus.

I love you in Jesus’ Name.

David Perkins

Lets Be About it.


Evil Favors Evil

The original post was deleted by persons other than me. I thought I’d give it another shot. If, according to the powers that be, God is dead and Jesus is fake news, why do they go out of their way to ban this type of discourse? Perhaps they know the truth, that their days are numbered just as their father, satan’s days are numbered. God is very much real and alive. So is His only Begotten Son, Jesus.

Evil Favors Evil

Evil favors its own…at least until their usefulness is all used up. Then evil destroys its own. These are the only options evil understands. Chaos, deceit, destruction, death.

Interestingly, Jesus said this of the father of evil, that Satan comes only to steal, kill and destroy. All the children of Satan take after their father. So, if what is happening creates destruction, chaos and more evil, you know where it came from, and you know whose daddy it is that inspires people to act just like him.

It is stupid to imagine evil even remotely thinks in terms of justice, truth and law. Evil does as it will, because THAT is the law of evil.

It’s like evil to cause the problem and punish the innocent for the problem. Our only defense is Jesus, prayer, praise, scripture.

Jesus is our defender in times of trouble. When we fail to turn to him, evil sees it as a sign of you giving him permission to attack. After all, if the believer were really a believer, he would have instinctively and immediately turned to Jesus. This is what evil looks for. Even the tiniest betrayal of faith in Jesus is seen as a welcome mat for evil and his children.


Apart From Jesus, You Can Do Nothing!

Evil Favors Evil

Satan seeks only to steal, kill, and destroy.

Evil favors its own…at least until their usefulness is all used up.  Then evil destroys its own.  These are the only options evil understands.  Chaos, deceit, destruction, death.  

Interestingly, Jesus said this of the father of evil, that Satan comes only to steal, kill and destroy. All the children of Satan take after their father. So, if what is happening creates destruction, chaos and more evil, you know where it came from, and you know whose daddy it is that inspires people to act just like him.

It is stupid to imagine evil even remotely thinks in terms of justice, truth and law.  Evil does as it will, because THAT is the law of evil.

It’s like evil to cause the problem and punish the innocent for the problem.  Our only defense is Jesus, prayer, praise, scripture. 

Jesus is our defender in times of trouble. When we fail to turn to him, evil sees it as a sign of you giving him permission to attack. After all, if the believer were really a believer, he would have instinctively and immediately turned to Jesus. This is what evil looks for. Even the tiniest betrayal of faith in Jesus is seen as a welcome mat for evil and his children.

“I am the vine; you are the branches. The one who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for apart from Me, you can do nothing.”
‭‭John‬ ‭15‬:‭5‬ ‭TLV‬‬

Faith, Observations

Religious or Redeemed?

God’s Promise

Immediately I was in the Spirit; and behold, a throne was standing in heaven, and One sitting on the throne. And He who was sitting was like a jasper stone and a sardius in appearance; and there was a rainbow around the throne, like an emerald in appearance.   (Rev 4:2-3 NASB)

Did you know God owns the rainbow?  He does.  The rainbow belongs to the Living God.  The rainbow is the sign of His promise.  A rainbow surrounds the throne of Heaven, too.

It doesn’t take an act of blinding insight to notice that the world is messed up.  The world is messed up because of the sin that lives in all of humanity.  Humans get plenty of help from the fallen ones, but they rarely have to do little more than nudge us to get us to sin willingly and revel in our disobedience.

We mistake our freedom for liberty.  We sinners don’t realize we have neither.

What has this got to do with rainbows?  Simple, like everything else unregenerate man touches, we have turned God’s rainbow, His promise, into a vulgar thing.  Humans revel and rejoice at the blasphemy they have created in perverting the things of God.

The world does not understand that God will not be mocked, but we also must remember that God is slow to judge and swift to forgive.

His grace abounds.

Allow me to tell you a story.  It is a true story.  I’ve intentionally changed some details, but not the event’s truth.  This is so certain people will not be identified.

One day, there was a meeting.  In this meeting was a person who brought a treat.  The treat he brought was a cake whose layers were a rainbow.  People already knew what was happening, as this person had recently begun speaking out about how unfair the world treats a small but vocal subset of our culture.

This small but vocal subset is not content until everyone embraces only their viewpoint.  This small but vocal group has hijacked the rainbow, a symbol of God’s promise of grace and mercy, and has turned it into their symbol to glorify their perversions.  After all, what kind of monster hates rainbows?

Attending this meeting was a person known for being very religious.  He wears his religion like a badge of honor, not realizing that his other character traits make his religious claims dubious. (Please refer to my very last blog entry.)

This person, whom I will call Religio, decided he would show everyone how righteous he was.  Religio berated the person for bringing a rainbow cake to this meeting and let everyone know he doesn’t condone what that symbol represents.  Religio’s behavior was so intense that it inspired the Cake Bringer to leave and never return.  Other considerations had already inspired him to leave, but this was the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back.

Religio made a scene by demonstrating his version of righteousness.  What Religio didn’t know is that this behavior left even the most generous of souls cringing.  It stopped being a matter of right and wrong.  In the light of Religio’s behavior, all hope of demonstrating grace and mercy had flown out the window.

It is our duty, as believers, to stand for what is true.  It is NOT our duty to stand in a manner that defeats our original calling to teach others what Christ has taught us. 

The apostle Paul wrote to his student, Timothy this:

but speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him who is the head, even Christ…”

(Eph 4:15 NASB) emphasis added by me

Here is my point.  And this I something I have, in the past, in my ignorance, and in my religious fervor, also done to people I decided were unregenerate sinners. 

Instead of speaking the truth of God’s word in an attitude of love, Religio acted like a Pharisee and judged someone already aware of his fallen state. 

I had to ask myself, if I were in the same boat as Religio, would I have done the same thing?  The answer is, yes, before I understood what all God has forgiven in me and the profound greatness of His mercy and Grace to someone like me, I would have resorted to the blindness my religion used to bring out in me.

The rainbow belongs to God.  He invented it. It is His.  In time, some say soon; God will rightfully judge all who have perverted His creation.  In the meantime, He, through Jesus Christ, has left us, His children, to be a living testimony of Grace, Love, forgiveness, and Mercy. 

The last 5 years of my life have been an exploration of the wilderness.  This is where the truth of my religious hypocrisy was measured against God’s righteousness and holiness.  I learned I fell short.  I also learned of the Grace and Mercy He has shown me in my ignorance.

God drove me deep into the word and used that word to show me how I have fallen short, but also how He will teach me to love and be aware of all the places He has had to forgive me.  In His infinite patience, he took out my religion and, in its place, showed me grace, love, and mercy because of the sacrifice of His son, our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Here is the difference between religion and salvation.  A religious person wields what little he understands of scripture like a bludgeon.  He is more interested in being right than he is in being righteous.

A saved person knows he is a terrible sinner and is constantly aware of everything God has forgiven.  A saved person understands what it is like to sin.  A saved person knows what forgiveness and mercy feel like.  A saved person has been confronted by Grace in a way that alters his life forever.  His only desire becomes to grow and be like Christ.

A religious person acts in a manner that betrays what Christ has done for him. 

In the words of our Lord, when confronting the Pharisees, Jesus said: “For this reason I say to you, her sins, which are many, have been forgiven, for she loved much; but he who is forgiven little, loves little.” (Luke 7:47 NASB)

This isn’t Jesus saying that some people only need a little forgiveness.  Jesus is saying that self-righteous people have no clue how much forgiveness and grace they need to be saved.  In the religious person’s eyes, he has arrived.  Jesus is pointing out, “No, you haven’t even approached.”

I don’t claim to be very Christ-like.  It has been only 5 years since God has converted me from my religious arrogance to someone who understands how much he has been forgiven.  I am new to the ways of Our Lord Jesus Christ.  I have a long way to go.  This much I have going for me is that I know how far removed I am from being like my Master.  Religious people believe they are serving God and man in their arrogant self-righteousness.  In the end, they believe they are speaking for God.

I didn’t turn from my sin by being beaten up by religious people.  Even though I tried to destroy their faith, I turned from my sin because saved people loved me the same way God had loved them.  They knew what I was about and fervently wanted me to see what Grace and Love looked like. I marveled at their willingness to love me and show me a grace I knew I didn’t deserve.

This has been the subject of my prayer life lately.  That He removes any barriers that stand between me and the lost so that when people look at me, they see Jesus.  I am nowhere near that state, but I am at least aware that I am not.  Religious people aren’t aware of this.

A rainbow was on display at this meeting.  What a golden opportunity to show your understanding of Grace by gently, with the Love of Jesus, bringing the person to an awareness of what the rainbow signifies. 

What reveals our true nature isn’t exposed by how well we think we know the Bible; it is revealed by how much of the Word of God we have let the Holy Spirit teach us.

We are commanded to grow to be like Christ.

Satan is the accuser.  His children are too.

God’s children know how much they have been forgiven and what horror they have been spared by the Blood of Christ.

Religious people think they are helping God when God hasn’t asked for their help. I have a secret for you.  God doesn’t need you defending Him.  What he needs is for His children to behave in a way that attracts people to Jesus, not chases them away.

Instead of one beggar telling another where he found bread, Religio denied Cake Bearer the opportunity to see what genuine love and grace look like.  Satan didn’t even have to help.  Religio’s self-righteousness did all the work for him.


Did I Send Them to Hell?

I recently tried to witness to a coworker ‘A’ who I am close with. The first thing he did was throw another coworker ‘B’ in my face. It turns out that while that other coworker ‘B’ runs around talking a lot about how Christian he is, the same coworker ‘B’ is known as a gossiping backstabber.

This coworker ‘B’, said the person I was witnessing to, proves what a joke Christianity is, and that he would rather go to hell than be like that coworker.

Instead of letting that person’s opinion lead me to judge that coworker, it made me wonder how many people would choose an eternity in hell because I have frequently betrayed Jesus in any number of thoughtless ways.

Faith, Observations

A Tale of Two Churches

“Jesus said to Peter the third time, ‘Simon, son of John, do you love me?’ Peter was grieved because he said to him the third time, ‘Do you love me?’ and he said to him, ‘Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you.’  Jesus said to him, ‘Feed my sheep’” (John 21:15-17, ESV).

Steak House 1:

You go to a steak house.

The Maitre D’ invites you in, finds a table for you, and gets you seated.

A glass wall separates you from steaks sizzling on the grill.

The Maitre D’ describes to you the steak, how it is cooked, what side dishes are available, and then he points at the chef who cooks all this.

The Maitre D’ then tells you your time in the restaurant is up, and invites you to come back again.

You leave hungry, but don’t understand why.

Steak House 2:

You go to a steak house.

The Maitre D’ invites you in, finds a table for you, and gets you seated.

He serves you water and bread and says, “Let me introduce you to our Chef.”

The Chef comes out carrying an excellently prepared steak with all the trimmings.

The Chef and Maitre D’ sit with you and share a delicious meal with you.

After the meal, the Maitre D hugs you and asks that you return soon, and the Chef hugs you and says,

“I’ll come to your house and feed you again if you will let me.”

What It Means:

The Steak House is your church.

The Maitre D’ is your pastor.

The Chef is Jesus.

The Steak is the Word.

The Glass Wall is the thing that separates you from Christ and His Word.

When you leave your church each Sunday, has the Pastor done everything he can to make sure you are fed?

When you leave your church each Sunday, have you had an encounter with Jesus?

When you leave your church each Sunday, have you been fed a healthy portion of the word?

The Glass wall is there at the first church because they have no idea what it takes to open the way for you to meet Christ and enjoy the Word.

There is no glass wall at the second church because the pastor of that Church has gone through the door that leads to Christ and can take you through the same door.

If Christ is not your Savior and your Lord, you will have no idea what it means to bring others to Jesus and learn from His Word.

If you leave Church hungry, maybe you are attending the wrong church.

“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. “Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?’ “And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.’ (Mat 7:21-23)


It Is Time For Genuine Repentance

I don’t often see eye to eye with the author of the below, but it is nearly identical to what I was going to write.


At All Times

A Friend Loves

From “Lessons In The Wilderness” by David G. Perkins

“A Friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity” Proverbs 17:17 ESV

“Faithful are the wounds of a Friend; profuse are the kisses of an enemy” Proverbs 27:6 ESV

Loves takes on many characteristics.  God knows what characteristic of Love you need and when you need it.

God offers fortification when you need it.  He offers discipline when you need it.  Correction, understanding, the warmth of His presence and the intensity of His silences, but He is never absent from your circumstances.  He is always there.

Sometimes our circumstances distract us to the point where we don’t remember to turn to Him for wisdom or guidance or comfort or anything else.  When that happens, God will send a friend.


Your friend loves you, even when you are unlovely.  Your friend cares about you, even though you are driving everyone away from you.  When you have made a royal mess of your life, and no one can stand being near you, your friend cares, steps in, and loves you. Even if it doesn’t look like love, he loves you.  It’s just that you are not in your right mind, and don’t recognize all the facets loves shows you.  But your friend does, and is there to love you in spite of yourself.


Your friend will tell you something that hurts like blows to the ribs and a kick to the heart.  You will not want to hear this.  You will want to hear what you want to hear, but not this.  You will go so far as accuse your friend of things that aren’t true rather than face the facts of the circumstances. That is OK because your friend loves you at all times.

Be patient and let this teach you something valuable.  Don’t disown your friend for being honest.  Wait, let God show you what this means.  

The next step in this dance, if you refuse to learn from your friend, is that your enemies will slide a knife between your ribs while kissing you and praising you.


Would you rather be hurt for a short season by the sincere blows of your friend, or shun that friendship and be met with the deadly things your enemies will give you with a smile?

Your friend stepped in where other family has feared to tread because you have already shown them you are not stable enough to hear the truth.  Your friend cares less about how you will react to the truth than how you should react to the truth.  Your friend can tolerate your reaction and forgive you for being an ass.  

Don’t forget, God sends you His friends, who are also your friends to tell you things no one else has the desire to tell you. It isn’t that they love you less than your friend, its just that they have grown weary of trying.

Your Friend, however, is less concerned for his safety than he is for yours, and will tell you things you simply don’t want to hear.  It is from love he does this.  A friend like this is a gift from God.

I praise you, Father, in the name of Jesus, for the blows of a friend, and pray you protect me from the sweet kisses of those who will do me harm.

Let’s be about it.

David G. Perkins


Who Cares?

From “Lessons in the Wilderness” by David G. Perkins


“Look to the right and see: there is no one who takes notice of me; no refuge remains to me; no one cares for my soul.  I cry to you, O Lord; I say, “You are my refuge, my portion in the land of the living.” Psalm 142:4-5 ESV


There Are Times

When abandonment is a reality.  When your tears are your only drink.  When loneliness threatens to crush you.  When your love has abandoned you for any number of reasons, and the pain is still as intense today as it was when it first happened.  When you are standing around with your co-workers who do not want to hear about your circumstances.  When you text or call someone because you need to talk, to feel connected to another human, to know you are not as alone as you think you are…and it becomes immediately obvious you have not connected in the way you need to connect.

When no one genuinely cares.

“Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty.” – Mother Theresa

Who Cares?

“O Lord, all my longing is before you; My sighing is not hidden from you.” – Psalm 38:9 ESV

This is the hardest time.  This is when you have to stop struggling and start trusting God.  Even when it seems like your prayers are bouncing off a brass ceiling, please, know, dear friend, God has not abandoned you.  God is not unaware of your pain.  He sends his own Spirit to keep you company.  He loves you beyond your ability to comprehend, but not beyond your ability to appreciate, if you will simply be still and listen.

Wait on Him.  God cares for it is written, “Casting all your cares on Him, for He cares for you.” I Peter 5:7

Let go of your agenda for happiness and fulfillment, it is not working for you.  Instead, remember that as you turn everything in your life over to Him, his promise is:

“For I know the plans I have for you”, declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” – Jeremiah 29:11


Let’s be about it

David G. Perkins






Restored Things

From “Lessons in the Wilderness” by David G. Perkins

Author’s note. This is revision 2 of the same article published a while back.  It needed refining.

The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and a contrite heart, O God, You will not despise.

(Psa 51:17)


We all break. The array of things that break us is astonishing. Each thing is exactly the tool needed to do the breaking.

When we break, we look for a remedy from the pain.

Some turn to alcohol.

Some turn to sex.

Some turn to pills.

Some turn to secular solutions, full of promise, empty of results.

If we belong to God we will see that what God could have prevented by His power, He allowed in His wisdom. It is to Him we take our broken pieces.

Let the bones which You have broken rejoice (Psa 51:8)


God understands brokenness. Jesus was God in the flesh. Jesus was shattered on the cross for us. Jesus was broken. Yet, He rose again.

God’s strength is revealed in our broken pieces. God mends all that is broken and restores the damaged vessel to a greater purpose. His handiwork is revealed in our brokenness.

What others have written off as trash and useless, God will mend with His pure love. No one is so broken that God cannot mend him. What pieces are discarded, He replaces with Himself. You become a reflection of His Own Son in the handiwork of His healing.

Broken things become blessed things when God does the mending.

“…by His stripes, we are healed” Isaiah 53:5

Take your broken pieces to God.

His love will repair you and restore you.

Your purpose in Him will grow to greater things than before.

Let’s be about it.

David G. Perkins


“…and My words abide in you…”

If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. – Jesus – John 15:7 ESV



A co-worker (I’ll call him Joe) and I were talking on the phone at the end of a long day. We were exchanging notes about a project. The project is taking a lot of effort, both mentally and physically. I told Joe that just when I think I am ready to quit, I find that, if I dig deep enough, I have 10% more in me than I thought I did, and in finding it, I press on and do my best.

From that statement, my co-worker asked me what part of his mind or brain does he need to reach into to find that 10% so he can do the miracles that Jesus did.

In my heart, I prayed to God for insight and wisdom so I can help Joe understand the weight of what he is asking. We talked at length about what the Bible says about this, starting with the quote that heads this blog entry. I carefully guided him through several scriptures that deal with the things we would request of God. There is a lot of scripture involved in this topic, and God was amazing in that He helped me recall them as we talked.

Eventually, Joe told me that he was not familiar with the scriptures and that he doesn’t read the Bible. I tried ever so gently to tell him that before we can be responsible for greater things, we need to be responsible for what God has already given us. His word, our Bible, is the bedrock of understanding God and why He sent Jesus to die for us.

Joe told me that he thought it was great that I knew the Scriptures, but he is more of a “spiritual intuitive” and relies on that intuitiveness to understand the mind of God.

Joe is not the only one I have met that believes this way. Many people, over the last 3 years have stopped to talk with me about their spiritual life. Most of them are regular attendees at church. Some are church leaders. Some are even the best friends of their pastors. The majority of them, I have discovered, have no clue about what the Bible says about anything.

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work. – Apostle Paul – 2 Timothy 3:16-17 ESV (CLICK HERE FOR MORE ABOUT THIS)

The Modern American Church

We pack our Church’s pews by making the “Church” less uncomfortable to people who would normally not attend. We want to make non-believers believe that we are no different than they are, except we attend church and Jesus is our best pal. We avoid certain scriptural truths because we know it will scare people off.

We would rather offend God than offend people with the truths of the Bible. In our effort to make church “cool” we have made the scriptures irrelevant unless we can find a way to twist them into a message that will not offend anyone. We have compromised to the point that, apart from the fact we attend church, no one can tell us apart from anyone else.

I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you. – King David of Israel- Psa 119:11 ESV

By the Grace of God, through Jesus Christ, I am saved.

By studying His word, I can see a benchmark that guides me to be closer to Him.

The Bible is God’s love letter to us.

We really should read it.

Let’s be about it

David G. Perkins


Every Person

Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! – Isa. 5:20

You, individually, are responsible for your soul.  Don’t be pulled in by group think.

Throughout history, every nation who has done what America is doing has been destroyed by others.

This is our time to repent and seek God.

You will not have anyone standing with you on the day of the Lord.

It will be just you.

Alone with Him.

 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.  – Joh 3:16

Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.

Let’s be about it.


David Perkins


A Message to Our Wonderful Government and Her People


Evil and Oppression

Behold, the LORD’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save,
or his ear dull, that it cannot hear;
but your iniquities have made a separation
between you and your God,
and your sins have hidden his face from you
so that he does not hear.

For your hands are defiled with blood
and your fingers with iniquity;
your lips have spoken lies;
your tongue mutters wickedness.

No one enters suit justly;
no one goes to law honestly;
they rely on empty pleas, they speak lies,
they conceive mischief and give birth to iniquity.

They hatch adders’ eggs;
they weave the spider’s web;
he who eats their eggs dies,
and from one that is crushed a viper is hatched.

Their webs will not serve as clothing;
men will not cover themselves with what they make.
Their works are works of iniquity,
and deeds of violence are in their hands.

Their feet run to evil,
and they are swift to shed innocent blood;
their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity;
desolation and destruction are in their highways.

The way of peace they do not know,
and there is no justice in their paths;
they have made their roads crooked;
no one who treads on them knows peace.

Therefore justice is far from us,
and righteousness does not overtake us;
we hope for light, and behold, darkness,
and for brightness, but we walk in gloom.

We grope for the wall like the blind;
we grope like those who have no eyes;
we stumble at noon as in the twilight,
among those in full vigor we are like dead men.

We all growl like bears;
we moan and moan like doves;
we hope for justice, but there is none;
for salvation, but it is far from us.

For our transgressions are multiplied before you,
and our sins testify against us;
for our transgressions are with us,
and we know our iniquities:
transgressing, and denying the LORD,
and turning back from following our God,
speaking oppression and revolt,
conceiving and uttering from the heart lying words.

Judgment and Redemption

Justice is turned back,
and righteousness stands far away;
for truth has stumbled in the public squares,
and uprightness cannot enter.

Truth is lacking,
and he who departs from evil makes himself a prey.

The LORD saw it, and it displeased him
that there was no justice.

He saw that there was no man,
and wondered that there was no one to intercede;
then his own arm brought him salvation,
and his righteousness upheld him.

He put on righteousness as a breastplate,
and a helmet of salvation on his head;
he put on garments of vengeance for clothing,
and wrapped himself in zeal as a cloak.

According to their deeds, so will he repay,
wrath to his adversaries, repayment to his enemies;
to the coastlands he will render repayment.

So they shall fear the name of the LORD from the west,
and his glory from the rising of the sun;
for he will come like a rushing stream,b
which the wind of the LORD drives.

“And a Redeemer will come to Zion,
to those in Jacob who turn from transgression,” declares the LORD.

“And as for me, this is my covenant with them,” says the LORD: “My Spirit that is upon you, and my words that I have put in your mouth, shall not depart out of your mouth, or out of the mouth of your offspring, or out of the mouth of your children’s offspring,” says the LORD, “from this time forth and forevermore.” – Isaiah 59

In conclusion:

John 3:16

For God So Loved the World

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. – King James Version (KJV)


The Risk Love Takes

…but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.  (Rom 5:8 ESV)

Romans 5:8 tells me that it is possible to love someone who doesn’t love you, and is , in fact, your enemy…but you prove your love by laying your life down for your enemy.

You know not everyone you love will receive this gift of love. They will still hate you and be your enemy. You also know that some of your enemies will receive this gift…and they will truly love you.

God thought it would be worth the risk.

Jesus did too.

If you don’t risk your love, your love isn’t proven to be true or steadfast.

Jesus proved it with His life.

I can’t claim to be worthy of that love…no one can. But Jesus made us worthy when He rose from the dead and gave us life.

We live because He died on our behalf, and He rose again.

We have life because He lives.

Tell someone you love about this Love of God.

Let’s be about it.

I love you in Jesus’ name.

David G. Perkins


When it Really Hurts

I was trying to come up with something to write. I ran across this post I wrote a couple of years ago. I discovered two things. The pain is still very real, and the truths revealed in that pain are still true. So, forgive my repetition, but I am reposting this one.

David G. Perkins

073014_2125_WhomGodChoo1.jpgJames 1:2-4 Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.

Testing of Your Faith?

Sometimes “life” comes along and kicks you square in the balls.  There are events you just can’t prepare for.  You THINK you are prepared, until the reality of it hits you.   Thinking about what is real is not the same as living in the thing that is real.  Virtual isn’t the same as real.

I’m talking about the kind of event that goes beyond mere pain.  I’m talking about an event that makes you feel your soul was just sucked out through your tear ducts. An event so hard you spend at least one entire day crying until you think you will cry…

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